Obituary Detail

  Full Name Of Deceased R PRABAGARAN  
  Age: 60  
  Addresss : 670438 BLK 438 FAJAR ROAD  
  Date Of Perished : September 29 2024  
  Place : Singapore  
  Date Of Birth : May 15 1964  


  Father's Name : Raghavan Naidu  
  Mother's Name: Jamuna Raghavan  
  Spouse : Jamuna Rani D/O K R  
  Son(s) : Ganesh Ryan Prabagaran  
  Brother(s) : Premkumar & Mythili, Ravichandran & Chitra Devi  
  Sister(s) : R Sumathi, R Vasantha  

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Place A
Bouquet Rose Candle Lamp

Memorial Message


You will always be in our hearts till the day we join you forever

By: Jamuna & Ganesh

Dear Brother,cheers. you did well to make sure all are taken care for your family, U did the same when you are no more. You lived your words " Saluteah Baba " proud of you da . RIP

By: Ramesh


By: hadsasd

As we bid farewell to Praba, let us remember the memories we shared and continue the traditions we started. Though he may no longer walk beside us, Praba’s spirit will live on in our hearts forever

By: Jerry Benedict

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