Obituary Detail

  Full Name Of Deceased C S Dorai Iyer  
  Age: 79  
  Addresss : Blk 406, Fajar Road, #07-309, 670102  
  Date Of Perished : February 14 1996  
  Place : Singapore  
  Date Of Birth : May 21 1917  


  Father's Name : Sivaraman  
  Mother's Name: Kalyani  
  Spouse : Meenakshi  
  Son(s) : Ganeson, Ramesh  
  Daughter(s) : Kalyani, Ponnammal  
  Brother(s) : Kalyani, Ponnammal  

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Place A
Bouquet Rose Candle Lamp

Memorial Message


Dear Dad, Its been 15 yeras and we still miss you.

By: Ramesh d i

Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.


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